Üriner sistem hastalıklarının ön tanısı hakkında yapılmış bir çalışmadan yola çıkıldı.
Orjinal çalışma ;
Application of rough sets in the presumptive diagnosis of urinary system diseases
Bu Makale "Artificial intelligence and security in computing systems" kitabında geçiyor ( sayfa 41-51)
Konunun detayını aynen aktarıyorum
The main idea of this data set is to prepare the algorithm of the expert system, which will perform the presumptive diagnosis of two diseases of urinary system. It will be the example of diagnosing of the acute inflammations of urinary bladder and acute nephritises. For better understanding of the problem let us consider definitions of both diseases given by medics. Acute inflammation of urinary bladder is characterised by sudden occurrence of pains in the abdomen region and the urination in form of constant urine pushing, micturition pains and sometimes lack of urine keeping. Temperature of the body is rising, however most often not above 38C. The excreted urine is turbid and sometimes bloody. At proper treatment, symptoms decay usually within several days. However, there is inclination to returns. At persons with acute inflammation of urinary bladder, we should expect that the illness will turn into protracted form.
Acute nephritis of renal pelvis origin occurs considerably more often at women than at men. It begins with sudden fever, which reaches, and sometimes exceeds 40C. The fever is accompanied by shivers and one- or both-side lumbar pains, which are sometimes very strong. Symptoms of acute inflammation of urinary bladder appear very often. Quite not infrequently there are nausea and vomiting and spread pains of whole abdomen. The data was created by a medical expert as a data set to test the expert system, which will perform the presumptive diagnosis of two diseases of urinary system. The basis for rules detection was Rough Sets Theory. Each instance represents an potential patient
Attribute Information:
a1 Temperature of patient { 35C-42C }
a2 Occurrence of nausea { yes, no }
a3 Lumbar pain { yes, no }
a4 Urine pushing (continuous need for urination) { yes, no }
a5 Micturition pains { yes, no }
a6 Burning of urethra, itch, swelling of urethra outlet { yes, no }
d1 decision: Inflammation of urinary bladder { yes, no }
d2 decision: Nephritis of renal pelvis origin { yes, no }
Orjinal Çalışmada veriler Bir Uzman sistem tasarlanmak için kullanılmış biz YSA eğitmek için kullandık . YSA eğitimi için yine FannTool 'u kullandık. ve sonuçda hem Eğitim hemde Test Verileri için % 100.Başarıya ulaşıldı
Üstünüde Üriner sistem hastalıklarının ön tanısını yapan bir program yazdık;
Programın yaptıkları kabaca; Giriş değerlerini Kullanıcadan alıp Eğitilmiş YSA'yı bu giriş değerleriyle çalıştırmak. Ve tabii ki sonuçlarıda göstermek.
Indirmek için : Acute_Inflammations
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